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What is a crawler?

Site crawling is the process of scanning and indexing web pages by search engines. It is necessary for search engines to update their indexes and provide users with up-to-date search results. In addition, crawling can be useful for analytics, monitoring SEO metrics, detecting errors on the site, and optimizing its performance.

Unlock the full potential of our crawler tool with these unique features

  • For each URL on the website, we collect and analyze a minimum of 56 parameters
  • Duplicate Content Detection: Identify duplicate titles, h1-h6 headings, and meta descriptions across your website, ensuring consistency and improving SEO performance
  • Keyword Frequency Analysis: Discover the most frequently used words on your site and detect instances of excessive capitalization (capsa), helping you fine-tune your content strategy for maximum impact
  • Missing Title Detection: Pinpoint pages where the title tag is missing, enabling you to quickly rectify this critical SEO oversight and improve search engine visibility
  • Broken Link Identification: Detect broken links (4xx, 5xx pages, etc.) within your site, ensuring a seamless user experience and minimizing negative SEO impact
  • Outbound Link Analysis: Explore all outbound links on your website, gaining valuable insights into your linking strategy and identifying potential areas for improvement
  • URL and Canonical Comparison: Compare URLs and canonical tags to ensure consistency and avoid potential issues with duplicate content and canonicalization

Why online crawler?

  • Accessibility: They are accessible via the internet, allowing them to be used without the need for installing special software
  • Updates: Online crawlers are typically updated regularly, enabling them to remain current and comply with the latest requirements and standards
  • Convenience: Using online crawlers is convenient as they are accessible from anywhere and from any internet-connected device
  • Automation: 2UA crawler automated tools for scanning and analyzing websites, saving time and resources
  • Scalability: We can handle large volumes of data and work with various types of websites, including large e-commerce sites and corporate web applications